Candlestick Point

San Francisco, CA


Adjaye Associates

Infrastructure and Development
This project includes construction of a regional retail and entertainment district at the former site of the Candlestick Park football stadium. The project also includes off-site transportation improvements and associated housing surrounding CP Center. The scopes of work for this $100M infrastructure project include, stadium abatement and demolition, site clearing, grading, surcharge, wet and dry utility installations, roadway construction, streetlights, landscaping and other streetscape improvements.
As construction manager for the Candlestick Point Developments – Phases 1/2/3/4/5, Hollins Consulting, Inc. is providing infrastructure coordination, permitting, construction management and acceptance support for the master developer, FivePoint. The 280-acre development involves site preparation and all backbone infrastructure to rebuild the Alice Griffith Housing neighborhood and bordering streets, as well as the demolition of the Candlestick Sports Stadium (49ers previous stadium). The first major phase construction project has been completed; which includes abatement, stadium demolition and clearing of Lots 1, 2, 3 and streets surcharge of adjacent development sites. In addition to infrastructure coordination and infrastructure construction management, HCI also managed the design team (Civil), coordinated San Francisco regulatory agencies and 3rd party utility sign offs, construction inspections and was principal liaison with City inspection representatives. Additionally, HCI roles and responsibilities includes coordination of utilities excavation, special traffic permits for work in the right of way, coordination with BAAQMD representatives and other environmental consultants. Administratively, HCI provided leadership on construction administration; preparation, review, and management of project schedules; change order review and negotiation; coordination of final city and 3rd party utility acceptance for completed phase.